Saturday, 31 October 2015

Evaluating sweded version of Wayne's World

What are the strengths of your work?


-At 0:11 where Faris yelled "extreme close up" we made sure we did an extreme close up on him, but  we intentionally did not aim the camera not directly on his face, by doing this it added humor to the scene since it was not even aimed at his face, which gives the audience the idea that they were trying to be humorous, by zooming in, you could see that the person in the shot had a big smile on his face just like in the scene in the actual movie.

-At 0:49 there was a tilt downwards to the floor in the scene where Garth tasered the big guy in the club , the reason we did a tilt is because you can clearly see that he collapsed on the floor and it would make more sense. Unfortunatly we couldn't do it just like how it happened in the movie since the area we were shooting in was too small and there were not any people that he could of fell on, so by just moving the camera down still added an effect to the scene where you  could still tell what happened.


- We made sure that the two people playing Wayne and Garth were wearing the right clothes and wigs so that they looked like the characters that they were supposed to be. We made sure throughout the swede that they were wearing blue jeans and black shirts just like the characters, and we chose two people in our class that we thought would make a very good Wayne and Garth

-  Our group discussed what props that we were going to use, especially the props we were going to use in the product placement scene at 0:57, we talked about what exact items we were going to use in that scene such as we used some chocolates and crisps for the props, we chose snacks to use as props since it would make sense and they were supposed to be at a table with snacks which made sense.


-Throughout the swede, we tried to make sure that the sound was clear and the actors voices were clear and you can tell what they are saying. having their voices clear makes the audience watching know what they say and so they know what is going on, and you will understand the video more, so you don't get confused and avoid questions about what people are saying in certain scenes.

-In the scene where Cassandra performs we added some music in the background at 1:58 so it looked like the person  being Cassandra was actually singing, we decided to add the actual audio instead of him singing since we thought it would add more humor to the scene and it would get the audience to laugh more, because it looked like he sang like a woman.

what improvements could you make to your work?


-When we shot the scene at 1:34 where Garth realizes that he is by himself and falls to the ground, and we tried to do a track and followed him with the camera, at one point we faced the camera in the wrong place but did a quick recovery. in the end it worked anyways but next time we film we make sure that we will face the camera in the right place at all times.

-When we shot the scene with Cassandra singing, we did not notice at 2:06 the camera moved a bit, it is not that hard to notice but next time, we will make sure that  the camera stays in the right place, by making the person that is the cameraman, hold the tripod carefully, to avoid situations like this to happen again.

mise en scene

-As I said before about my group thinking about costume for the two main actors who played Wayne and Garth but we didnt think about what the other actors costume, i only gave them wigs but by just giving them wigs it was hard to understand, who was who,so that might confuse the audience watching, to avoid problems like this again I should think about everyone costume before filming.

-My group chose carefully what props we would use, but we forgot to pick a prop to use for a wheel in the scene where Wayne,Garth and three of their friends are in a car singing bohemian rhapsody at 0:21, we forgot to pick a prop to use for the wheel in the car, so we just used whatever we could find in the room, which was some sellotape, next time we discuss props, we make sure we dont forget anything.


-In the scene at 0:17 where it shows Garth's extreme closeup, there was some laughing at the beginning of the scene, we did not notice this when editing,when we were filming we did not notice that we were filming at that moment, but next time we film we will make sure that people in the room that are not supposed to be in the scene are silent during filming and to avoid problems like this, we will fully focus when filming and editing to make sure that there is no sound that is not needed.

-When Wayne and Garth enter the heavy metal bar "the gasworks" at 0:35 Faris who played Wayne forgot the line for a second and then stopped but quickly remembered the line, this happens again at 1:54 when Wayne and Garth tell Mr Biggs where they are, we did not re shoot any of the scenes because of time reasons, and we wanted to get as much filmed as possible in the time we had, next time we film we will make sure that the actors remember the lines by reciting them before we film so we dont have this problem again.

how did you improve on your-

pre production skills

-I would say my pre production skills have improved, especially with planning, by doing production scripts, we got to plan what our swede would be like and we came up with some ideas, by doing this I think that my planning skills have improved from the past years.

-I think that I am very good when it comes to planning, by looking at this swede, I would say this is one of the best media projects that I have contributed in, I think that the planing I have done for this has been done better than planning I have done for previous projects which is why I think that my pre production skills have improved.

logistical/production management skills

-the filming process went very well, when we were filming we went from scene to scene, since I thought that the acting was very good in most of the scenes, I had the job to be the director, I directed  all the scenes, all of the scenes were managed very well and being the director, I tried to make sure that all scenes were done perfectly

-My group organised the time to film, carefully, we decided to record on thursday period 1 to period 4 since we knew that, that was the time that everyone would be free to film, and we chose that time because at that time, we knew that the room we needed to film was free at that time, which was perfect, and having all that time, we had the right amount of time to film.

Mise-en-scene skills

-I think my skills with Mise-En-Scene have improved since I chose costume more carefully now such as when picking out costume for the two main characters Wayne and Garth we first decided to pick the two people in our class who would look alot like the characters they were supposed to be which is perfect since all we needed is the costume,we got blonde and black wigs for the two and we made sure that they were wearing black shirts and blue jeans, so they looked just like the characters

-Another reason why I think that my Mise-En-Scene skills have improved is because when picking the props to use I think that I chose props more carefully than how I chose them in recent years and recent projects, such as how me and my group discussed on what props we were going to use for the product placement scene, since we couldn't get pills we got skittles and we used other props such as chocolate and crisps for the food they were promoting.

how well does your swede imitate the real film?

-Every scene in the swede is in the right order,just like how it is in the actual movie,such as how the bohemian rhapsody car scene is before the product placement scene, and how the swede started with the Wayne's World intro scene and ended with the party scene,all lines that were said were in the actual movie, we done this so it would make sense and be like the actual movie.

-Just like the movie, we tried to make the swede as humorous as possible, since it was a swede of a comedy movie, one of the main things we needed to do was trying to make it funny, so we tried to make every scene humorous like the movie.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Analysis Of Edit Workshop

When filming we used the 180 degree rule when the teacher and the student were both looking at each other, the way the 180 degree rule was used, is that we knew that there was an invisible line  between the student and the teacher, and we put the camera at the right place so it didn't cross the line, and we didn't break the rule, we checked over the recording after the scene was finished to make sure that we didn't break the rule.

While filming we made sure that we used the rule of thirds whenever we saw the reactions of either the student or the teacher, for example when Armen was looking at the camera being all shocked, we made sure his eyes were on one third of the screen, we did the same when we showed my eyes on one third of the screen.

The way that I used match on action in the film was when Armen was rushing to the door and when he opened the door, the reason why we chose to do match on action there, is because having match on action, it adds an effect and makes it seem like hes rushing really fast, and having match on action, it adds suspense to the scene and makes you wonder what will happen next.

There was one challenge that I faced during production was when we filmed the scene when there was a two shot of the student and the teacher and the teacher is angry and the student is worried, when we were filming we didn't realise that that the camera was recording so we had to record the same scene again. next time I do filming I will make sure that I am fully focused when filming a scene so I don't have to waste time when filming.

The challenges that I faced during post production was that I didn't know how to add music to the video and I had trouble when I was rendering the video so I asked a teacher for help. Next time I do editing, I will make sure i know what to do when i do the editing for my films.

One of the strengths about my film is that the music fits the film perfectly, as the music builds up as the film builds up and the music fits each scene at the right time. Another strength is that both actors fit the role they are in as both me and Armen fit the teacher and student roles and the acting in the movie is pretty good.

There are two weaknesses that I had with this film, one of the weaknesses was when I said "yes?" there was a sound at the beginning that I didn't edit out, the other weakness was when I said "I see..sit over there", you couldn't really tell what I was saying since I was quiet when we were filming that scene.

Next time we do a film, I will make sure that I am loud and clear at all times so that the camera will pick up everything I will say, and I should be fully focused at all times when filming the scenes in the films.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

An Analysis Of Waynes world

Wayne's World is a comedy movie about two best friends Wayne Campbell played by Mike Mysers and Garth Algar who is played by Dana Carvey who both made a cable TV show called "Wayne's World" and they dream to make the show a living, this movie constantly breaks the fourth wall as Wayne talks directly to the audience in some parts of the movie, talking to the audience. Wayne, Garth and the three camera men that film their show go to a heavy metal club called "gasworks" and Wayne sees a band on stage with a girl named Cassandra and then falls in love with her and while they were there, they signed a deal with a producer guy named Benjamin Oliver who also saw Cassandra and was interested in her talent and gave her his card and then Wayne and Garth finally got their wish to "get paid to do Wayne's World"  and get paid $500 each and then Wayne bought a white guitar he has been eyeing for a while and then dates Cassandra, Garth sees a girl that he immediately falls in love with and every time he sees her, he falls back in a slapstick manor and talks about the TV producer and then get along and Cassandra told Wayne that he could call her any time. Later on in the movie Wayne and Garth practice for their first episode of Wayne's world in an actual studio and see what its like to be in a studio.

The morning after Wayne and Garth got the deal, they play a game of hockey outside and talk about the deal that they made, then Benjamin has a conversation with Garth about Noah being a special guest on Wayne's world and Garth said he feared changes but Benjamin went on with it anyways, then the next scene had Wayne and Cassandra drive to a music shop that had a guitar that Wayne has been looking at for a while then they see Garth randomly appear in the music store like he was following them and Garth sees a set of drums and ends up being amazing at it and gets a compliment from one of the workers and right after that, Wayne showed that he had the money he needed to buy his dream guitar and finally got what he wanted.

While Wayne and Garth were eating lunch in the studio and Benjamin and one of the producers talk about Noah being on the show and how Wayne didnt like the idea but that Wayne didn't have a choice since it was in his contract, so Benjamin comes up to Wayne,Garth and the three camera men and says that there will be a sponsor on the show and Wayne refuses by saying that he "will never bow down to any sponsor" and then ends up doing sponsors for eight different products while he is talking about never doing sponsors, such and pizza hut.reebok clothes etc.

Later on Benjamin invites Wayne,Garth and Cassandra to his home and since they were on the twenty third floor Garth got scared and went back as the rest went onto the balcony and then talked directly to the camera and started talking about the house they were in and walks around like he is on a TV show and when he goes back to Wayne and Cassandra, Benjamin gave them tickets and backstage passes to an Alex Cooper concert and then offered chinese takeout and when he ordered he spoke in fluent Chinese and everyone got amazed. Later Cassandra and her band play a song in front of Benjamin and after Benjamin goes and talks with Cassandra and he asks her if he could spend the rest of the afternoon with her, and at the same time Wayne and Garth are in a car joyriding with a new lickerish dispenser they added to the car, then they go on a montage with skipping,singing, riding bikes and acting like they are in a intro to some sort of tv show but then realise that the Alice cooper show starts soon and go to the concert and go to backstage to look around.

When Wayne and Garth go walk to backstage, they somehow end up going outside and see a huge limo and ask if it is Alice Cooper's limo but see a security guard that told them alot of information about the Limo and where it was going and after that Wayne and Garth walked away and Wayne looked directly at the camera and asked the audience that if they thought for a security guard, he had a bit too much information and got a bit confused. When Wayne and Garth finally get backstage, they use there backstage passes to get into Alice Cooper's dressing room and see Alice Cooper and his band, and then Wayne asks Alice if he came to Milwaukee often and then Alice said a whole lot of long facts about the area and Wayne and Garth got confused and said "doesnt this guy know how to party!" and all the band members got a bit confused and after that Wayne and Garth were going to go back but then Alice stopped them asking if they wanted to hang out with him and the band, and Wayne and Garth got confused and excited at the same time and started praising Alice while chanting "we're not worthy!" 3 times.
As Wayne and Garth finally get to the studio to film the first ever episode of Wayne's World in an actual studio, they get told that mr Vanderhoff will be there guest on the show and they get confused and angry and ask for an answer and then see all the things that they changed such as adding a new theme song, a new sign and a new announcer so one of the producers give Wayne some cards that has questions he has to ask, so Wayne took them but asked for a pen so he could "write some notes" but ended up writing insults of the guest they were having on the show to make him look bad on live TV so the producers get angry at theme while the original camera crew is laughing at the same time, but for that Wayne got fired from his own show and said that he was taking his show with him but then Benjamin said that they owned the show, not Wayne or Garth, so Wayne left angrily and left Garth on his own to host the show, but Garth got nervous and couldn't say anything and started panicking,during that moment Cassandra got a call from Benjamin, reminding her about the deal they had before and Cassandra agreed to it and said that she is looking forward to it/
After that Garth told Wayne that he didnt like how he just left out on the show and how how he walked out on Garth by leaving him to host by himself even though "he handled it pretty well" and then him and Wayne had an argument  and Wayne left to find Cassandra after Garth told him that Cassandra might be interested in Benjamin since he has alot that  a perfect husband would have, money,fame and good looks and how Wayne has none of that, so Wayne rushed to Cassandra but when he actually saw Cassandra, he had an argument with her saying that Benjamin only noticed her because of her looks, so Cassandra went to California to shoot her video. As Wayne is angrily walking away he talks to the camera saying what he is going to do and that he is going to solve the problem.

The next scene has Garth playing with his food and stabbing his doughnuts like a horror movie, then Wayne walks up to him and apologises so the two try to come up with a plan to get Cassandra back and get her noticed, and Wayne came up with the idea that mr Big aka the guy that owned the limo, could watch her performance and that could get her noticed and with all the information they got from that security guard at the concert, they came up with there plan and talked about how lucky they were to get all that information, but all they needed were people to help them so all there friends in the store gathered around and said that they will help.

As Wayne drives to California, Cassandra and her band are shooting the video but as she is filming, she is holding a snake around her body and complains on how it weighs a ton, later when the filming was done, Cassandra was talking to Benjamin about what to do next and then Wayne ran yelling Cassandra's name and then asks her to take him back and while he gave this big emotional speech which was like an "oscar clip" worthy moment and after that Wayne got angry that the band wasn't there and asked where they were but right at that moment they were right behind him and then he realised, and as he went he went to the camera thinking there was no film in the camera so he opened it, and all the camera roll and ruined all the film they recorded and was told to go home but then Cassandra realised that Benjamin was not the right person and went with Wayne.
Finally Cassandra and her band perform a song live on Wayne's World and coincidentally mr Big was watching at the same time and when he finally gets there he said that she had an amazing voice and amazing looks but it wasn't the right time and then Cassandra got angry and left and the house blew up with flames everywhere and then it came to a scene at the beach with Cassandra and Benjamin and the movie was about to end but in came Wayne and Garth saying that they would never end the movie like that, and Garth suggested a scooby doo ending and it ended up having Benjamin being a old man called old man Withers who owned a amusement park, after that Garth suggested a "mega happy ending" which ended with everyone getting aside there differences and everyone got what they wanted and ended with "everyone being better people" and the movie came to a close with everyone laughing at the end.

Image result for waynes world ending

Saturday, 26 September 2015

planning the edit workshop

on the first page it has the first four scenes where the teacher is waiting while looking at the clock and then there is the student rushing to the classroom and it shows match on action with the student running and then opening the door
on the second page it shows the student opening the door and then looking at the teacher, then the teacher asks for homework and it shows match on action when the student opens the door

on the third page it shows the student worried saying that he doesnt have the homework and then the teacher sends him to the corner of the room

on the fourth page it shows the student walking towards the wall and sitting on the ground but it also has the 150 degree rule when the camera is following the teacher pointing at the wall.

When planning for what camera shots we were going to do we decided that we would start with a long shot, so that you can tell where the situation is being taken place, and so you can fully see the body language of  the teacher, because he was waiting for the student, you can see both his face expression, and his body language, and seeing both of them you can properly see how he felt while waiting for the student,having it be a straight on, you can see more clearly how he felt. 

On the second shot is a straight on of the clock, because the scene before was a straight on, you can tell that is what the teacher is looking at, and it makes sense that he is looking at the clock while waiting for the student.

Moving on to the third scene, you can see the student walking fast towards the door in a mid shot  and having it as a mid shot and a straight on, you can see the body movements properly and at the same time you can see the students face, and you can see the students worried face expression, since he is late. 

The next scene has a mid shot match on action by showing the student opening the door after he rushed to the door in the scene before, by having match on action it adds an effect that he is rushing and it adds excitement to the scene. 

In the fourth scene  there is more match on action where the student opens the door and having a long shot so you can see the expression the student had on his face and when opening the door you could tell that he was rushing since he opened it fast. 

The fifth scene has the teacher looking angrily at the student and it has a long shot with a straight on so you can see the surroundings and the anger that the teacher had, and having a straight on you can see that, that was what the student was looking at, and it adds an effect that makes you feel like you are the student.

In the sixth scene is a two shot that has the teacher looking angrily at the student, by having a two shot, you can see both the student's and the teacher's face expressions and how they felt at that moment, having the teacher angry, and the student worried makes it clear what is happening in the scene.

The next four scenes has close ups because all four of the scenes have the student and the teacher talking to each other about the homework, and by using closeups you can clearly see the fear on the students face, and the anger on the teachers face, and you can see exactly how they are feeling during the scene.
In the eleventh scene has the 180 degree rule and it has a mid-shot of the teacher pointing to the corner of the room, sending the student there, by using the 180 degree rule, you can see where the teacher is actually pointing.The 12th scene has a close up of the student being shocked that he has to go the corner, again by having a close up, you can see how the student is feeling.In the last scene there is a long shot of the student walking to the corner then sitting down, having a long shot lets you know his surroundings, and when he actually sits down there is a high angle on him, to make him look weak at the end, and having him be in the corner makes it clear that he is sad at the end of the film. 

The mise en scene we used in the film was used through the costume and the location, we made the student wear casual clothing so that he will look like an actual student and the teacher was wearing a shirt so that he actually looked like a teacher, having the costume helped the actors fit their roles better and you can tell who they are supposed to be, we set the scene to be done inside and outside a classroom, since being in a classroom fits the situation perfectly. Having the film be set in a school will make sense to the audience watching because if the film was going on in a place such as, in a park, it would confuse the audience. We chose to spend most of the film be shot in one of the media classrooms because the room was a perfect place to film since it had the right props in the right places, such as the boards and the tables.

The music I chose to use in this film was  a piano cover of the "five nights at freddy's song by the living tombstone", the reason why I chose it is because it is a upbeat song that has a cheerful theme, having a cheerful song fits the short film, since the film is supposed to be humorous, having a happy song makes it more cheerful for the audience watching. When we chose to pick a song for the film, we decided that we should chose a piano song that had an upbeat sound to it so that there would be more for the audience to enjoy. When the film starts, the music will play but it will start two minutes and twenty eight seconds into the song, since that is when the upbeat part of the song begins, and the music fits the film perfectly since at the beginning the teacher is waiting and the music is not very upbeat at that moment but then it gets upbeat and at the same time the student is running, so the music fits the scenes perfectly.